Te Kaha Kids’ Frequently Asked Questions From Parents

Oscar Subsidies:

Q. How do I apply for the Oscar Subsidy?
A. If you have received the Oscar Subsidy in the last 3 months, you need to complete and Oscar
Declaration Form. If not, you will need to complete the full Oscar Subsidy Application Form.

Q. Where can I get Oscar Forms from?
A. Your local Work and Income Office has hard copies available, a PDF can also be downloaded
from the Work and Income Website under Childcare Assistance. Te Kaha Kids’ Facilities have hard
copies available at request.

Q. How do I get the Supervisor Section filled out?
A. Ask the Team Leader at your Facility if they are able to fill them out for you at the facility. A
PDF of your completed form can be emailed to info@tekahakids.com with “oscar forms” in the
subject line, and this will be filled out by one of the Managers with your EnrolMy booking
information, and sent directly to Work and Income for you.

Q. Who do I contact if my subsidy isn’t accepted and I receive my first bill?
A. Contact Work and Income in the first instance, to request information on why your application
has not been accepted. Contact info@tekahakids.com with details of why the application isn’t
accepted, as extensions for due dates are negotiable in some circumstances.

Booking Process

Q. How do I book in my child?
A. We use an online booking system called EnrolMy. All Programmes that are open for bookings
can be found here: https://enrolmy.com/tekahakids or by following the links in the Sign Up tab of
our website www.tekahakids.com
If you do not have access to internet, please contact us 020 4189 4384, or speak with a
Team Leader at any of our facilities about a written enrollment form.

Q. Can I book my child in for just one day in the holidays?
A. Yes. You can do a casual booking through the EnrolMy link on our website.

Q. What is the difference between 1:9, 1:4, and 1:1?
A. 1:9 is the most common ratio for our bookings- this is when a child would feel comfortable in a
group of 9 children with 1 adult in normal everyday activities. ie. A consistent level of support is
required between your child and their peers in a school setting.

1:4 is for children who feel comfortable in a group, however they need a bit of extra support from
adults to ensure that this is safe for them. An example may be a child who gets overwhelmed by
noise so needs some time with only a few other children sometimes, or they may become easily
overwhelmed in larger groups and require a smaller group most of the time.

1:1 is a ratio where one adult looks after one child. This would usually be for the safety of the child
or for other children in the programme. This may be preferred for several reasons- the child has
experienced high trauma, the child has high needs related to their disability, a child has been
violent in the passed with several children and/or adults. This ratio allows for the child to
participate in activities and grow in their skills, and it is possible that children will later move to a 1:4 ratio if a 1:1 is chosen to begin with.

Q. Who choses what ratio my child is enrolled in?
A. You do. We believe the parent is the expert of their own child, so this decision is ultimately yours
to make. If a parent is unsure which ratio is suitable for their child, they are welcome to discuss
this with a Team Leader, or email info@tekahakids.com

Q. My child hurt another child at the programme, does that mean they have to go to a 1:1
A. In this instance, an incident report will be made by the Team Leader, and given to the
Management Team/CEO. This report will then be followed up by the Management Team. If this was
a repeated incident, under instructions from the CEO, Staff will make contact with the Parent, and
discuss options of support for the child. Funding options are available through different

Q. Funding Options? So if my child needs 1:1 care, I might qualify for funding to account for
the difference in price?
A. Yes. Funding options include (but are not limited to) Individualised Funding, Carer Support,
Respite Support Days, and Oranga Tamariki provides funding in some circumstance.


Q. How much is transport after school?
A. Transport is free. We provide a van to selected schools around the area of each Facility as part
of our programme.

Q. How do I find out what schools my local facility picks up from?
A. Each Facility has a phone number listed on the website. This can be used to call the Team
Leader of the Facility. They will know what schools are available for each facility. This can also be
obtained by emailing info@tekahakids.com If your child’s school is within 10 minutes drive of the
facility, it is likely that we can provide a pick up service to this school.

Q. I have to work late on Friday but my adult child that doesn’t drive will be at home, can my
child be dropped home as a one off?
A. Yes that shouldn’t be an issue depending on how much notice you are able to give. Please
contact the Management Team as soon as possible to arrange this. Email is the preferred method of
communication outside of office hours.

Upcoming Activities:

Q. How do I find out what Activities are coming up?
A. Te Kaha Kids will send a monthly newsletter to Parents to communicate upcoming activities and
important information. Any extra information is posted to the Te Kaha Kids Facebook Page, and
Events will be updated on our EnrolMy website : https://enrolmy.com/tekahakids


Q. When will I be invoiced?
A. Invoices go out in arrears the following week. If an invoice isn’t received by Thursday the
following week, a parent should contact info@tekahakids.com

Q. Do I have to pay for a public holiday if my child is normally booked that day?
A. No. If Te Kaha Kids is closed for a public holiday, a child’s place will be held until the following
week with no charge.